Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Let it SNOW!

I woke up on Monday January 30th, 2012 at 7 am, hopped in the shower, came back to my room, got a glimpse out the window and yelped! BECAUSE THERE WAS SNOW EVERYWHERE. It was so beautiful. I just wanted to run outside, make snow angels, throw snowballs, and sled all day long. Unfortunately I was up at 7 am to get ready for our first day of UCM orientation. 

It was really starting. School that is. The last two weeks had been full of fun, exciting tours, lectures and ways to get acquainted with Maastricht and the fellow Californians but today was the day I was going to meet the rest of my school mates and learn more about the learning process they use at UCM, but more on that later. First, SNOW.

It was freezing, but so exciting

Why yes, I did bike to school in the snow.

Biking in the snow was way less difficult than I imagined. It was so fresh that it wasn't slippery yet and even gave a bit more traction on the slippery cobblestone than normal. The next day, however, was terrifying because the snow had turned to ice and I almost died on several occasions. Keeps life interesting though!

This is the back of my school. Isn't it cute?

The field by my dorm

The side of my dorm the next day

The city center. I really love this picture

More city center

The three day orientation was intense and a bit boring but it was a great way to meet the other exchangers and first year students that were just starting at UCM. Everyone was excited to be finally starting our experience together. UCM is one building near the city center and has about 600 students. Its housed in a 15th century Monastery. The walls are all white, but somehow still seem warm and inviting and it has some great natural light. The main lecture hall is in the old church and its beautiful. It's a really nice building and I like being there. 

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